Pondok Craft JUNE 2010 SALES~!*and a giveaway =D*

a gorgeous stash plus 1 Mettler thread worth RM10.
how heavenly is that?
hehehe..this is the first ever giveaway from Pondok Craft*clap clap*
just two simple steps for a chance to win these beauties:
1. go to Pondok Craft and become their follower.simple~
2. promote June 2010 Sales in your blog. super duper simple!

but remeber,
Sales is from now till 30th June 2010.
here’s your chance,hurry hurry hurry~!
visit June 2010 Sales for mooooore fabulous but cheaper fabrics!!!

These RM30 per metre fabrics are my favs. wheee~

Winner will be picked on the 30th June 2010.

Their shop is located at :

19, Persiaran Kikik 2, Taman Inderawasih, 13600 Perai, Pulau Pinang.

Tel : 016 4831744

Email : pondok.craft@yahoo.com

last but not least,

Happy 39th birthday Sis Ayu~


About alynahraigorilla

I am myself n no one else can understand me better than myself. I am I n no other alphabet can be I as I is only I n I has no other I in the whole world n future n bla bla bla...(I am unstoppable when talking nonsense..)haha..^^ You can call me Rai but usually people call me Aly on the net..why?both are my name la..my real name is to0o0o long and you would've misspelled it or mispronounce it. BTW, its Raimalynah, not raimalaynah or raimalinah. XD
This entry was posted in giveaway, June 2010. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Pondok Craft JUNE 2010 SALES~!*and a giveaway =D*

  1. Ayu says:

    Hi Alynah,Wahh…u r a fan of tht Korean group…alahai..what's the name of the group.. Suju kot..Anyway, thanks so much for this post.. May Allah swt Bless You…Take care dear…

  2. Hi Sis Ayu~sorry sorry sorry sis…i forgot to put 'sis' in my post, i felt bad about it and edited it as soon as i saw ur comment here…silly me, i know.. XDur welcome sis..yeah,its Suju and i'm glad that u knew about them,u rock la sis… ^-^

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