.home at last.

what a relief!
finally i got over the exams..
it was like hell!!!
i haven’t had enough sleep at all
most of my papers i stayed up studyin’
i felt my eyes were popping out already
miraculously, i can stay awake with wide eyes during the exam..haha~
but i do feel kinda dissapointed
i’m worried bout chm and math
i aimed that i would get an a for both
now, i just hope that i would pass
it was HARD!
i cried after chm
huhu~ =[
alone in my room
at first due to some incident (hmph~)
then bread monster came n accompanied me
i realized 1 thing
no matter what happen between us
me n bread monster cannot be seperated
even though we hate each other to death
haha~we still can laugh at nothing in particular
i guess that is the best definition for besties
u can’t live without someone that annoys u in a besties way
not someone who talks behind me and have the nerve to call herself my fren
there’s a lot of bitches out there
so watch out u guys~
pretty on the outside doesn’t mean that the inside is pretty too
innocent look doesn’t ensure an innocent mouth too
i learnt a lot this semester
hopefully it will make me a better person in future
for that someone, i hope u’re happy
i hope that u would stop bitchin’ coz everybody is talking
and believe me it doesn’t sound good
n for the other bitches
i hope that ur eyes will come together
and ur mouth is sewn tight
it makes me sick of how people pretend to look good
n at the end, they talk bout u
with other people
behind ur back
n still thinks that they’re ur besties
i hope that i can find a big, big mirror n gave them
let them look at themselves before pointing their fingers at other people
others whom i don’t have any problems with
blow me off just like that
they don’t even care to listen
i would want to ask one question
what is the difference between me n her?
why on earth would u guys picked her side instead of me?
because she got out of the room that nite?
because u’re on the same batch?
or was it because u guys think that she’s a innocent girl?
or was it because her family broke up?
or was it just because she’s pretty?
i thought that someone said
“ini bukan pasal sepa salah sepa betul”
so why are u guys avoiding me?
why on earth would u guys roll ur eyes when u see me?huh?
is it because she told u guys to do it?
is it because she said something bout me?
bout me hating u guys?
is that it?
i’m sick of waiting for u guys to come to me n hear my side of the story
hear what i want to say before deciding on hating me
u guys r just like kids
no maturity at all
there must be a reason why i was mad at her
why i was so pissed off that i cant control my tone with her
FYI, i had never EVER shouted at anyone before in my life
my advice for u guys lah
if she can talk behind my back just like that to u guys
that means she can also talk behind ur backs with me
many people advice me not to post this
but i am so fucking mad that i just want to slapped them real hard
it won’t come out from my head
if it wasn’t for the exams
i would have long gone home
i wouldn’t have to look at their shit-like-face
and bulls-of-a-dog-eyes
sorry for the language
this IS the censored post
the uncensored one would make u want to kill urself after reading it
thanx for reading this hate letter
n to whom it may concern
get a life!

About alynahraigorilla

I am myself n no one else can understand me better than myself. I am I n no other alphabet can be I as I is only I n I has no other I in the whole world n future n bla bla bla...(I am unstoppable when talking nonsense..)haha..^^ You can call me Rai but usually people call me Aly on the net..why?both are my name la..my real name is to0o0o long and you would've misspelled it or mispronounce it. BTW, its Raimalynah, not raimalaynah or raimalinah. XD
This entry was posted in fwens, life, myself, September 2009. Bookmark the permalink.

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